Sunday, October 16, 2011

I love this website because I believe that everyone is beautiful.
"Beauty is [definitely] in the eyes of the beholder." Just because you may not think you are a beautiful person, doesn't mean that someone else doesn't.

I don't have much confidence, but I know that I have come a long way from what I used to be.
I used to have no confidence in myself what-so-ever. My self-esteem was pretty much zero. I used to think that I was ugly; however, now I can accept a compliment because I know there is no need for pessimism.

I hate the people that refuse to accept someone because of their appearance. A person's beauty truly does come from the inside. I believe that the outer appearance is what first attracts us to a person; however, it is not the most important thing. For me, if a guy is attractive, but has a horrid personality, I'm turned off by him. The way that someone treats me, as well as others, is the most thing to look for. I'm not saying that looks don't mean anything, but they sure don't mean everything. I've met some truly beautiful people. Now, not all of them are the greatest looking, but I'm glad that I met them because they are gorgeous on the inside. Also, just because I'm not physically attracted to a person, doesn't mean that no one will be.

Get to know me a little...

Why not?
I am an aspiring author. It would be a dream come true if I could become a published author. All I have ever wanted to do was to inspire one person with something that I have written. Stephen Chbosky- the author of my favorite book ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’- and Alice Sebold- the author of my second favorite book ‘The Lovely Bones’- were and still are two of the people that have inspired me the most in my life. They make me want to write.