Saturday, February 22, 2014


It's true what they say about finding yourself in college. Many people my age are still discovering themselves. They are trying to figure out what they want to do for the rest of their lives. Somehow, I got lucky.
I was never certain what I wanted to do with my life. 
Like almost every little girl, I wanted to grow up to be a Princess. I wanted to be taken care of and spoiled like my parents spoiled me, but as I got older, I became aware to what was realistic and what wasn't. For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to help people. I've wanted to make a difference in the lives of others. So, after discarding the idea of becoming a Princess, I thought that I would enjoy teaching elementary school. Then, in high school, I started writing. I wrote poems, blogs, and journal entries. I wanted to become an author. I had hoped that I would write something that would change the life of at least one person. Once again, I had to be realistic. Becoming a published and famous author is tough to do. I didn't give up on writing, but I did put it on the back burner. I continue to write in my journal and every now and then I write other things, but it wasn't until I took the 'Intro to Politics' class in community college that I really discovered my true purpose. I took that class in the Fall of 2012. My professor had us follow the 2012 Presidential Election. She had us watch the debates and research both candidates viewpoints on the issues. That was when I knew that I wanted to be involved in politics.

I am currently a Political Science major with a Business minor. I have this plan in my head on how to achieve my goals. I have nearly every step of the way planned out.
I have this idea of what I want to achieve in my lifetime. It's so clear, so real to me. I can just visualize what my future looks like. Now, all that's left to do is work hard and keep trying until I get where I want to be.

Reach for the stars. Never give up. No matter who you are or where you come from, just remember that it's all about determination, motivation, and ambition. You can do it. You can live your dream.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My Hopes

It's been a couple of years since I've even looked at this page. To be completely honest, I almost forgot about it. I've always loved to write, but I've been so preoccupied that I haven't had much time to do any kind of writing. I still keep up with my journal, but other than that I haven't written anything in a long time. A lot has changed since I created this blog; however, there is one thing that has remained constant- my hopes and dreams. The means to which I achieve my dreams may have changed, but the end goal remains the same.

I want to be an inspiration. I want people of all ages to look up to me for guidance, or just simply for admiration. I want to create something that will motivate others to believe in themselves and to believe that they can achieve their goals and aspirations. If I do that, if I truly inspire at least one person, then my dreams will be fulfilled. I want to find a way to encourage the world to be a better place. I want humanity to realize how much destruction we are causing each and everyday. Not only are we hurting the world by pollution, we are hurting the world by darkness and hatred being spread. Thus, I want to inspire the world, one person at a time. I wish to help those in need and those who have lost all hope in themselves. I want to change the world, for the better.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I love this website because I believe that everyone is beautiful.
"Beauty is [definitely] in the eyes of the beholder." Just because you may not think you are a beautiful person, doesn't mean that someone else doesn't.

I don't have much confidence, but I know that I have come a long way from what I used to be.
I used to have no confidence in myself what-so-ever. My self-esteem was pretty much zero. I used to think that I was ugly; however, now I can accept a compliment because I know there is no need for pessimism.

I hate the people that refuse to accept someone because of their appearance. A person's beauty truly does come from the inside. I believe that the outer appearance is what first attracts us to a person; however, it is not the most important thing. For me, if a guy is attractive, but has a horrid personality, I'm turned off by him. The way that someone treats me, as well as others, is the most thing to look for. I'm not saying that looks don't mean anything, but they sure don't mean everything. I've met some truly beautiful people. Now, not all of them are the greatest looking, but I'm glad that I met them because they are gorgeous on the inside. Also, just because I'm not physically attracted to a person, doesn't mean that no one will be.

Get to know me a little...

Why not?
I am an aspiring author. It would be a dream come true if I could become a published author. All I have ever wanted to do was to inspire one person with something that I have written. Stephen Chbosky- the author of my favorite book ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’- and Alice Sebold- the author of my second favorite book ‘The Lovely Bones’- were and still are two of the people that have inspired me the most in my life. They make me want to write.